Tex Hall maintains he was duped by man facing murder charges (December 29, 2014)
James Henrikson, a former associate of the former chairman, is facing a slew of murder and other charges.
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Dave Courchene: Spirit Tour aims to inspire us to walk together (December 29, 2014)
As the Original free and independent Peoples of this land, we have the distinction of being the roots of our homeland.
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Ron Allen: Mandatory funding needed for contract support costs (December 29, 2014)
The time has come to fund tribal contract support costs from the mandatory federal spending accounts of the federal government.
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Steven Newcomb: Sacred lands are Christmas gift for mining firm (December 29, 2014)
The Rio Tinto Mining Company, owned by interests in the United Kingdom and Australia, is representative of the destructive and devouring process of colonization.
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Oglala Sioux medicine man awaits trial on sexual abuse charges (December 29, 2014)
Charles Chipps is accused of abusing several young girls, including his own daughters and granddaughters.
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Ernestine Chasing Hawk: Tribe honors man who pushed genocide (December 29, 2014)
When the misstep comes from someone we count on to protect our dignity, our voice, our rights as Indian people, when there’s been a betrayal of the duty we’ve entrusted to them, I must speak.
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Native Sun News: Fatal police shooting unites Indian community (December 29, 2014)
When the Native American citizens of Rapid City staged a rally against police brutality, Allen Locke, 30, walked with them. A day later, he was shot dead by a police officer.
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