First location of Famous Dave's restaurant destroyed in blaze (November 4, 2014)
Dave Anderson opened the eatery just across the border of the Lac Courte Oreilles Reservation in 1994.
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2nd Circuit affirms conviction of former Mashantucket leader (November 4, 2014)
Michael Thomas was found guilty of stealing from the tribe and is serving out his sentence in a federal prison in Massachusetts.
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Opinion: Forum fosters cooperation with tribal court systems (November 4, 2014)
Retiring Michigan Supreme Court Justice Michael Cavanagh reports on the first meeting of the Michigan Tribal State Federal Judicial Forum.
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Haskell University turns attention to violence against women (November 4, 2014)
Only a handful sexual assaults have been reported in the last few years.
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Tribes withdraw Internet lending lawsuit after losing decision (November 4, 2014)
The Otoe-Missouria Tribe and the Lac Vieux Desert Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians said fighting the state of New York consumed 'considerable resources.'
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Petition seeks removal of Navajo Nation presidential hopeful (November 4, 2014)
Russell Begaye jumped back into the race last week after Chris Deschene was removed from the ballot.
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Ojibwe tribes open swan hunting season on treaty-ceded land (November 4, 2014)
The season runs through December 31, or until 10 trumpeter swans are taken, whichever comes first.
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Gun Lake Tribe hosts summit to address importance of wolves (November 4, 2014)
Wolves are sacred in Potawatomi and Ojibwe culture and are considered relatives of humans.
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Candidates for North Dakota tribe promise stronger regulation (November 4, 2014)
Members of the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nation are going to the polls today to choose a new leader.
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Lytton Band offers more to community for land-into-trust bid (November 4, 2014)
The tribe will build a pool for the town of Windsor at an estimated cost of between $7 million and $10 million.
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USDA Blog: Skull Valley Goshutes look to prevent future floods (November 4, 2014)
The tribe hopes to protect its reservation from future flooding after surviving a natural disaster.
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Mary Pember: Native girls victimized by traffickers in Minnesota (November 4, 2014)
Seventy-five percent of juvenile sex trafficking cases involved Native American victims.
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Column: Fashion designers often steal from Native culture too (November 4, 2014)
Washington Post fashion critic Robin Givhan explores the appropriation of Native culture in the fashion industry.
Read more adds millions of Indian documents to database (November 4, 2014)
The documents come from the Oklahoma Historical Society and deal primarily with the Five Civilized Tribes.
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Glenn Morris: New UN official won't defend indigenous peoples (November 4, 2014)
American Indian Movement activist questions the naming of an official from China who will handle future developments from the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples.
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Steven Newcomb: Native organizations played into UN charade (November 4, 2014)
A response to Glenn Morris regarding the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples.
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Native Sun News: Oglala Sioux fighter prepares for next match (November 4, 2014)
Pine Ridge’s David 'Bull Dawg' Michaud is not accustomed to losing back to back fights and thus far in his career he has avoided doing so.
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