Delaware Tribe's headquarters in Bartlesville, Oklahoma. Photo from Facebook
Voters of the Delaware Tribe of Oklahoma went to the polls last Saturday and made big changes in their leadership. Chester L. “Chet” Brooks won election as chief. He defeated incumbent Paula Pechonick by a tally of 317 to 250, according to the results. Voters also chose three new council members over the incumbents. Since Brooks was on the council, his seat will have to be filled, meaning the tribe will see almost an entirely new slate of leaders. The tribe is based in Oklahoma but its options there are limited due to agreement with the Cherokee Nation. The tribe is required to seek approval from the much-larger Cherokee Nation before undertaking certain activities. As a result, the tribe is looking to restore its homeland in Kansas. Get the Story:
Town Talk with Chad Lawhorn: Delaware tribal elections may change discussion on Lawrence property (The Lawrence Journal-World 11/7)
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