Graduates of the Sasiwaans Immersion School received eagle feathers and diplomas in June. They are pictured here with Chief Steve Pego, Teacher Carol Bob and Apprentice Nicole Nedwash. Photo by Niibing Giizis (Summer Moon Photography)
The Saginaw Chippewa Tribe of Michigan is raising a new generation of Anishinaabe speakers. A 2005 survey found only two people were fluent in the language. So the tribe launched the Sasiwaans Immersion School to immerse children in Anishinaabe. “After a few months, they totally comprehend it,” Isabelle Osawamick, the tribe's language outreach specialist, told Michigan.Com. Students at Sasiwaans, which means "nest," only hear the language while in school. Get the Story:
Chippewa tribe’s children preserving Anishinaabe language (Michigan.com 11/21)
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