Native youth. Photo by Teach For America
The First Nations Development Institute is urging passage of the American Indian Teacher Loan Forgiveness Act. The bill was introduced in June. It provides up to $17,500 in student loan forgiveness for members of federally-recognized tribes who teach at Bureau of Indian Education schools or at schools that serve Indian students. "American Indian students are one of the most under-represented groups in college and higher education," FNDI said in an action alert. "Many American Indian students do not have the resources available to attend college. This is one way to help American Indian students receive assistance with their student loan debt and to encourage American Indian students to focus on becoming teachers." The Senate version of the bill is S.2458. It was referred to the Senate Indian Affairs Committee but it hasn't received a hearing. The House version is H.R.5370. It was referred to the House Education and the Workforce Committee but it hasn't received a hearing. The 113th session of Congress is currently in recess. Lawmakers are due back on Capitol Hill after the November elections so time is running out for action on Indian legislation.
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