Rep. Charisse Millett (R), seated, and Liz Medicine Crow, standing, watch vote on Native language bill. Photo from Charisse Millett
Rep. Charisse Millett (R) defends decision to have House Bill 216, which designates 20 Native languages as official in Alaska, signed during the upcoming Alaska Federation of Natives convention:
I am a legislator, but more importantly, an Alaska Native. My family has loved ones who were subjected to oppressive measures to stamp out their cultural identities. Joining other Alaska Native legislators, we spoke in committees, advocating fiercely to overturn the historic wrong of the persecution of our Native languages. On the final day of session, after months of hard work and powerful testimony from Alaska Natives throughout Alaska, I stood proudly with Alaska Natives from across our vast state as the Alaska State Legislature took a historic vote -- a vote that honors the first peoples of our land. Mr. Cole implies that the enactment of House Bill 216 was delayed for purely political reasons. This is simply not true. I and others who sponsored this bill expressed our view to the governor’s office that the Alaska Federation of Natives convention was the optimal time for the bill signing. The governor’s office had come to the same conclusion. To say that the timing is somehow a matter of “political opportunity” is not only cynical but insinuates a complicity in colluding to cheapen this moment, which is objectionable and wrong. This is a joyous occasion; Alaska is only the second state in the nation to pass such a law. Countless Alaska Natives had a role in this accomplishment. We strongly supported having this historic legislation signed into law at a venue where as many Alaskan First Peoples, and Alaskans, could be together to celebrate. The Alaska Federation of Natives’ annual convention, given the size of attendance and its importance, is the most natural venue for this ceremony.Get the Story:
Rep. Millett: Delaying Alaska Native language bill for AFN conference not political timing (The Alaska Dispatch News 9/21) Another Opinion:
Dermot Cole: Long delay in signing Alaska Native language bill is pure politics (The Alaska Dispatch News 9/16) Related Stories:
Alaska Legislature passes Native language recognition bill (4/21)
Alaska lawmakers weigh bill to declare Native languages official (04/02)
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