A view of the Fort Hall Reservation, home to the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes. Photo from Facebook
The House Natural Resources Committee will hold an open markup session tomorrow. Five bills of interest are on the agenda:
H.R.3608, the Grand Portage Band Per Capita Adjustment Act. The bill addresses a taxation issue for per capita payments distributed to members of the Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians in Minnesota. The House Subcommittee on Indian and Alaska Native Affairs held a hearing on the bill on July 29.The markup takes place at 11am in Room 1324 of the Longworth House Office Building. It will be webcast. Committee Notice:
H.R.4534, the Native American Children's Safety Act. The bill amends the Indian Child Protection and Family Violence Prevention Act to require background checks on all adults in a potential tribal foster home. A hearing was held on July 29.
• H.R.5049, the Blackfoot River Land Exchange Act. The bill resolves a land dispute affecting the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes of Idaho. A hearing was held on July 29.
• H.R.5050, the May 31, 1918 Act Repeal Act. The bill ensures that any land the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes acquire within a townsite set aside under a 1918 law will be held in trust. A hearing was held on July 29.
H.R.5167. The bill authorizes the conveyance of land within the National Petroleum Reserve to the Olgoonik Corporation, an Alaska Native corporation. The Subcommittee on Public Lands and Environmental Regulation held a hearing on September 9.
Markup on H.R. 69, H.R. 706, H.R. 712, H.R. 1363, H.R. 1839, H.R. 3226, H.R. 3227, H.R. 3326, H.R. 3608, H.R. 3980, H.R. 3981, H.R. 4166, H.R. 4534, H.R. 4846, H.R. 5003, H.R. 5040, H.R. 5049, H.R. 5050, H.R. 5139, H.R. 5162, H.R. 5167, H.R. 5412, H.R. 5476, S. 363, S. 609 (September 18, 2014)
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