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Andre Cramblit: Enjoying life at Dartmouth as a Native student

Andre Cramblit. Photo from From The River Collective

Alumnus Andre Cramblit, a member of the Karuk Tribe of California, offers some advice and encouragement to the Native student body at Dartmouth College:
Stay strong, resist the temptations. Try your best to ignore the Review read the Dartmouth. Get close to the other Native American students - they are part of your family no.

Go to sleep earlier now and then, have tea at Sanborn house, don't go to phi reds if you need to study, don't miss the chicken finger night at Thayer.

Take advantage of office hours. Get to know your professors on a one to one level if possible. Contrary to popular belief they are human too. If they know you as a person, it helps them understand where you are coming from and who you are as an individual. Take the time to dress up nicely it will be appreciated, and they do not need to see how cool you are in flip-flops, sunglasses and shorts. Best offices hours I heard of, running with your prof. Back in the day we used to throw a dinner party. There is nothing like seeing a tipsy Professor enjoying some regular non-classroom talk with students.

A shot of espresso actually has less caffeine than a large coffee. Don't waste your money on that $4 dopio grande soy caramel latte, there is time for that when you graduate and get a job (even then don't do it).

The clam chowder at the hop is best on Friday afternoon (much thicker then), go to the film society flicks, work off the Thayer layer, get a warmer coat than you think you need, try skiing, get to know the Dean-They could be your friend in time of need.

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Andre Cramblit: Living Life at Dartmouth as a Native (Indian Country Today 9/17)

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