
Eastern Cherokees pass resolution to seek return of sacred site

The Nikwasi Mound in Franklin, North Carolina. This 2012 photo shows dead grass that was caused when the town sprayed herbicide on the mound. Photo from Scott McKie / Cherokee One Feather

The Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians passed a resolution seeking the return of the sacred Nikwasi Mound in North Carolina.

Tribal leaders say the town of Franklin hasn't taken good care of the site. In 2012, point, herbicide was sprayed on the mound, killing the grass.

"Their responsibility to the tribe needs to be held at a higher level," Chief Michell Hicks told WLOS.

The town's board of alderman will discuss the issue at a September 15 meeting.

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Cherokee Calls for Return of Sacred Mound (WLOS 9/5)

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