Cover page for 2007 report to Congress on rights-of-way in Indian Country
The Bureau of Indian Affairs has extended the comment period on proposed changes to rights-of-way regulations. The proposed rule was announced on June 14. The comment period was due to close on August 18 but the BIA extend it to October 2, according to a notice that was published in today's issue of the Federal Register. The agency is also hold a public hearing over the telephone on Wednesday, September 17 from 1pm to 4pm Eastern Time. Participants can participating by calling (888) 790-2010 and using the passcode 1863865. "The current regulations governing rights-of-way across Indian land were promulgated over 40 years ago and last updated over 30 years ago,' the BIA said in a FAQ on its website. "As such, they are ill-suited to the modern requirements for rights-of-way and the need for faster timelines and a more transparent process for BIA approval." Federal Register Notices:
Rights-of-Way on Indian Land (August 13, 2014)
Rights-of-Way on Indian Land (June 17, 2014) Related Stories:
Law Article: Risk of double taxation under new BIA regulation (7/18)
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