Law | Trust

Passamaquoddy Tribe pays $58K to county to end taxation suit

The Passamaquoddy Tribe at Pleasant Point paid $58,222 to settle a taxation dispute with Washington County in Maine.

The tribe stopped making payments in 2006, believing they were an illegal tax. But the tribe agreed to pay everything that was owed and to make payments in the future, or about $7,000 a year, The Bangor Daily News reported.

“It really wasn’t a win or loss for anybody,” Craig Francis, an attorney for the tribe, told the paper. “The case was never litigated.”

The county argued that the payments in lieu of taxes are authorized by the Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act of 1980, the paper said.

Get the Story:
Passamaquoddy Tribe makes nearly $60,000 payment to Washington County, ends lawsuit (The Bangor Daily News 6/17)

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