The logo for the Change the Mascot campaign
The United Church of Christ in the Mid-Atlantic approved a boycott of the Washington NFL team due to its racist mascot. The Central Atlantic Conference of the UCC is calling on all of its members to boycott the team's games and its gear. The vote on the resolution was unanimous, The Washington Post reported. "[M]embers and churches of the Central Atlantic Conference are urged to join a boycott of games played by the Washington National League Football team and not wear, display, or purchase any items with the Washington National League Football team logo until the name changes," the resolution states. The Central Atlantic Conference oversees 185 congregations in five states, plus the District of Columbia. The national governing body is now likely to take up the matter, the Post said. Get the Story:
Mid-Atlantic United Church of Christ leaders vote to boycott Redskins games and gear (The Washington Post 6/14)
Church calls for boycott over Washington team name (NBC Sports 6/13)
Dan Snyder on name change: “Over my dead body” (NBC Sports 6/13) Related Stories:
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