The Senate Indian Affairs Committee continued its series on Indian education at an oversight hearing this afternoon. This hearing focused on higher education. Committee members spent a lot of time asking questions of Jamienne Studley, the deputy under secretary at the Department of Education, regarding funding disparities for tribal colleges and other higher education programs for American Indians and Alaska Natives. The committee also heard from a panel of tribal college and Indian education leaders. Due to a vote on the Senate floor, the hearing was adjourned after the witnesses agreed to accept questions in writing rather than wait for members to come back after a potentially lengthy delay. The hearing lasted about an hour and 20 minutes. Audio can be found on the Indianz.Com SoundCloud. Committee Notice:
Oversight Hearing on "Indian Education Series: Examining Higher Education for American Indian Students." (June 11, 2014) Related Stories:
Witnesses: Senate Indian Affairs Committee education hearing (6/10)
Senate Indian Affairs Committee schedule for month of June (06/05)
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