
Albert Bender: Genocide continues unabated in South Dakota

Albert Bender says not much has changed in South Dakota with regard to the Indian Child Welfare Act and the treatment of Indian children:
It will soon be a year since I wrote the first of a series of articles about the horrific genocide being perpetrated by the state of South Dakota against Native Americans. Incredibly, the genocide - the abduction and kidnapping of Indian children by state officials - continues unabated. This is beyond maddening.

Lakota People's Law Project chief counsel Danny Sheehan recently told this journalist that South Dakota has not slowed down its illegal activities because to do so would be an admission of guilt.

Just to recount the situation of a year ago:

1. Over 700 American Indian children were being snatched from their homes by state officials every year. This occurred on a daily basis.
2. These hundreds were sent to white foster homes or group homes.
3. Most were adopted by white families.
4. Native children were 13.8 percent of the state's child population, yet they represented 56.3 percent of the foster care population.
5. 87 percent were placed in white foster homes, while Indian foster homes went empty.

Nothing has changed! All of the above cited statistics are still current. The genocide train roars full speed down the tracks.

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Albert Bender: South Dakota’s genocide against Native Americans continues nonstop (People's World 6/9)

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