The Olivet Charter Elementary School in Santa Rosa, California
A California woman was arrested after authorities said she grabbed the neck of a 12-year-old boy whom she believed was bullying her daughter. Delia Garcia-Bratcher, 30, denies touching the boy. But she admits she confronted him after he allegedly called her daughter a "dirty Indian." “This is crazy,” Garcia-Bratcher told The Santa Rosa Press-Democrat. “I'm on the news. I feel like a monster.” The Sonoma County Sheriff’s Department views the incident differently. "The victim had red marks consistent with being grabbed in the neck area by an adult," the office said in a press release. Garcia-Bratcher is expected in court on Thursday, when she faces a felony child abuse charge. Get the Story:
Santa Rosa mother accused of confronting suspected school bully denies assault (The Santa Rosa Press-Democrat 5/20)
Woman arrested for grabbing 12-year-old by the THROAT after she confronted him for bullying her daughter (AP 5/19)
Mom Grabs 12-Year-Old By Throat, Says He Bullied Her Daughter: Sheriff (NBC Los Angeles 5/19)
Santa Rosa mother arrested in abuse of child she claimed bullied daughter (KTVU 5/18)
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