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New York lawmakers join battle against racist mascots in sports

NYSNYS.Com Video: Oneida Nation Press Conference with New York State Lawmakers, May 6, 2014.

A bipartisan group of lawmakers in New York will introduce a resolution calling for the elimination of racist mascots in professional sports.

The resolution targets the Washington NFL team. Lawmakers say the franchise's name is derogatory to Native Americans.

: "It’s incredibly heartening to see a bipartisan group of New York political leaders united in opposition to derogatory mascots in professional sports,” Oneida Nation Representative Ray Halbritter said in a press release. “We sincerely thank these leaders for their courageous stand pointing out that offensive slurs should be immediately relegated to the dustbin of history.”

The resolution will be introduced next week.

Get the Story:
NY state lawmakers join pressure on Washington football team's mascot (WRVO 5/7)
Lawmakers denounce Washington Redskins name (AP 5/6)
State legislators propose resolution urging teams to stop using racial slurs for names, mascots (NYSNYS News 5/6)
Lawmakers to NFL: Drop ‘the R-word’ for D.C. team (The Albany Times-Union 5/6)

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