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WBUR: Family seeks answers in death of Wounded Knee activist

Journalist Paul DeMain calls on American Indian Movement leaders to come forward with information about the death of a 1973 occupation at Wounded Knee:
PAUL DEMAIN: I don't think the FBI played any role in the death of Perry Ray Robinson.

HULETT: Paul DeMain is CEO of Indian Country Communications, which publishes news from Indian country. He spent two decades investigating what happened on the Pine Ridge Reservation in the 1970s.

DEMAIN: I think that was an internal murder of an alleged informant. He wouldn't pick up a gun in Wounded Knee. We've been told he was loud. Frankly, he was described to me as a loud-mouth (bleep) who wasn't part of the game plan in Wounded Knee, wouldn't pick up a gun, and therefore became suspected of being an informer.

HULETT: But DeMain says he doesn't doubt there were AIM members who were feeding information to the FBI. And he says, that could be why, after 40 years, no one's been prosecuted in the Robinson case.

DEMAIN: That if they did go after some leadership members, that there would be revelations in regards to FBI complicity that would be exposed during that time period.

HULETT: DeMain says the American Indian community needs to do the right thing in the Robinson case and get the family the answers it deserves.

DEMAIN: When I go to Wounded Knee, South Dakota, I says look at how atrocious the U.S. government can be toward Indians and look what they did. And then they turn around say, and you know what, American Indians can do the same thing to people, because they can shoot a black man and bury him here and they don't care about him because he is a black man.

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