
Witness list for Senate Indian Affairs Committee energy hearing

The Senate Indian Affairs Committee will hold a hearing tomorrow on an energy bill.

S.2132, the Indian Tribal Energy Development and Self-Determination Act Amendments of 2014, encourages tribes to develop tribal energy resource agreements, or TERAs. Since the enactment of the Energy Policy Act in 2005, no tribe has submitted a TERA to the Interior Department in for approval.

The hearing takes place at 2:30pm in Room 628 of the Senate Dirksen Office Building. The witness list follows:
Panel 1
•The Honorable Kevin Washburn
Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs-U.S. Department of the Interior

•Ms. Tracey LeBeau
Director-Indian Energy Policy and Programs, U.S. Department of Energy
Panel 2
•The Honorable Carole Lankford
Vice Chairwoman-Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes

•The Honorable Michael O. Finley
Chairman-Confederated Tribes of the Colville Indian Reservations and First Vice-President, National Congress of American Indians

•The Honorable Aletha Tom
Chairwoman-Moapa Band of Paiutes

•The Honorable James "Mike" Olguin
Acting Chairman-Southern Ute Indian Tribe

Committee Notice:
Legislative Hearing, to receive testimony on the following bill: S. 2132, to amend the Indian Tribal Energy Development and Self-Determination Act of 2005, and for other purposes. (April 30, 2014)

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Senate Indian Affairs Committee sets hearing on energy bill (04/21)

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