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Raina Thiele: Tribal Day of Action for Affordable Care Act signups

Raina Thiele (Pedro Bay Native Village) of the White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs encourages Indian Country to sign up for health insurance coverage under the Affordable Care Act by March 31:
Last week, Vice President Biden and Health and Human Services Secretary Sebelius spoke directly to tribal leaders and community members on the benefits of the Affordable Care Act for American Indians and Alaska Natives. The Vice President and the Secretary encouraged action from tribal leaders and community members, to get them, their friends, and their relatives enrolled! March 24th is the National Tribal Day of Action on Affordable Care Act enrollment - a perfect opportunity for Indian Country to rally with community partners in health to organize an Affordable Care Act enrollment event. Please join us in this effort to get covered with quality, reliable, and affordable health care insurance before March 31st!

If you’re a member of a federally-recognized tribe and under a certain income level, you might qualify to pay reduced or no costs for a private health care policy, including low or zero out-of-pocket costs. Also, you can check to see if your state has expanded Medicaid, as you might now qualify!

Get the Story:
Rana Thiele: Join us on March 24th for a "Tribal Day of Action" for Affordable Care Act Enrollment (White House Blog 3/21)

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