
Joe Shirley, former Navajo Nation president, plans to run again

Joe Shirley Jr., a former president of the Navajo Nation, is running for tribe's highest office again.

Shirley served two back-to-back terms. Tribal law prevented him from seeking a third, consecutive term but there's nothing that says he can't run again.

However, a bill in the Navajo Nation Council would change that. Delegate Russell Begaye wants to bar a president from serving more than two terms, consecutive or not.

“I don’t think it’s very appropriate the way it’s written,” Shirley told the Associated Press in response to the effort. “Term limits belong to the people not the council.”

The primary election is August 26. The general election is November 4.

Get the Story:
Ex-Navajo leader plans another run (AP 2/27)
Navajo Nation's election season opens for president, tribal council (The Farmington Daily-Times 2/28)

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