
Editorial: Justice denied on reservations across United States

Wyoming newspaper supports reform efforts laid out by the Indian Law and Order Commission:
Justice at a distance may very well be justice denied.

That's why it's important to recognize and study the recent work done by the Tribal Law and Order Commission, mandated by federal law to study justice on the reservation and come up with policy suggestions. The commission has spent the last two years working on a report -- a roadmap -- for policymakers about law and order on reservations across the U.S.

Their findings and suggestions should form the framework of how Wyoming, among other states, moves forward with tribal law enforcement to make this place a safer, more just place to live.

The commission was critical of how federal and state justice systems work (or don't) with native law enforcement. It found that those on the reservation face a jurisdiction maze that often circumvents tribal justice, even when the local system has the capacity and ability to handle great responsibility. It's not always that the federal and state systems maliciously circumvent tribal justice. But trust in reservation law enforcement and courts must be built hand in hand with their capacity to enforce the law.

Get the Story:
Editorial board: On reservations, justice still needs work (The Casper Star-Tribune 2/26)

Indian Law and Order Commission Report:
A Roadmap For Making Native America Safer (November 2013)

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