
Snoqualmie Tribe donates $150K to Indian center in Seattle

The Snoqualmie Tribe of Washington is donating $150,000 to the Daybreak Star Indian Cultural Center in Seattle.

The center serves as a hub for urban Indians. The tribe's donation will help keep critical programs going.

“The work that Daybreak Star does for Northwest Natives and others is critical,” Chairwoman Carolyn Lubenau said in a press release. “The Snoqualmie Indian Tribe wanted to ensure that the Center’s programs are able to continue.”

The donation will be presented tomorrow.

Get the Story:
Snoqualmie Tribe donating $150,000 to Daybreak Star Center (The Seattle Times 2/5)
Snoqualmie Tribe donates $150,000 to Seattle's Daybreak Star Center (The Snoqualmie Valley Record 2/5)

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