
BLM still working on draft report for Agua Caliente land swap

The Bureau of Land Management is still working on a long-delayed swap with the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians of California.

An environmental assessment for the swap was released back in July 2010. But after extending the comment period repeatedly amid objections from hiking groups, the BLM decided to prepare a full environmental impact statement.

Public hearings were held in March 2013 -- almost a year ago. But there's still no word of a draft environmental impact statement.

“Projects like this can go on for years,” Jim Foote, the manager of the Santa Rosa and San Jacinto Mountains National Monument, told The Palm Springs Desert Sun. “They kind of ebb and flow depending on the agency’s priorities and staffing.”

In related news, the Bureau of Indian Affairs approved a land-into-trust application for the tribe.

Get the Story:
Years later, Bureau of Land Management still studying land swap with tribe (The Palm Springs Desert Sun 2/4)
Bureau of Indian Affairs approves status change for Agua Caliente land (The Palm Springs Desrt Sun 1/31)

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