
Simon Moya-Smith: Few Natives asked to share views on TV

Simon Moya-Smith laments the lack of Native people on television commentary, political and news programs:
I know it’s not just me – you see it, too.

It’s Saturday morning. You flick on the tube, turn the channel to MSNBC. Melissa Harris-Perry is at her roundtable with her liberal skulls – and that one republican to rep his party. She does it every time.

Again, no Natives in that circle.

You go to bed. You wake up, grab a coffee, flip the tube back on, and this time: Meet the Press. Same faces. Different maws. Bad suits and old raps. “Damn it,” you say.

Again, no Natives.

“Maybe next week …” you think, even though you know that’s bullshit.

A week passes. It’s Saturday morning again. Coffee’s burnt. Goddamnit. Oh well. You eat an apple. Same high. Cheaper price.

You go to the TV again. Flip it on. Back to MHP. Good ol’ Melissa givin’ it with knuckles and teeth. Damn right. Power to the people. Indeed.

But, once again, no Natives. No Winona LaDuke. No Tessa McLean. No Native minds whatsoever.

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Simon Moya-Smith: Talking Heads Segregation: Why Aren't More Natives on TV Panels? (Indian Country Today 1/9)

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