Audio from Senate Indian Affairs Committee's budget hearing (April 24, 2013)
The Senate Indian Affairs Committee held an oversight hearing this afternoon on the fiscal year 2014 budget request for tribal programs. The committee first heard from Assistant Secretary Kevin Washburn, the head of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and Yvette...
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Richie Havens, singer who claimed Blackfeet heritage, passes (April 24, 2013)
Richie Havens, one of the most iconic singer-songwriters of the 1960s and 1970s, died on Monday. He was 72. Havens was born in Brooklyn in 1941. He claimed Blackfeet ancestry from his father, whom he said lived on the Shinnecock...
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Blackfeet Nation sues local energy cooperative in tribal court (April 24, 2013)
The Blackfeet Nation of Montana is suing the local electric cooperative in tribal court. The tribe served the Glacier Electric Cooperative with a temporary restraining order last week. The order asked the co-op not to hold its annual meeting. Justin...
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Obama nominates Yvette Roubideaux for second term at IHS (April 24, 2013)
President Barack Obama has nominated Yvette Roubideaux to serve another term as director of the Indian Health Service. Roubideaux, a member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe, joined the Obama administration in May 2009. In the past four years, she has...
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Editorial: Sen. Baucus of Montana showed true staying power (April 24, 2013)
The Great Falls Tribune reflects on the career of Sen. Max Baucus (D-Montana), the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, who will be retiring after 40 years in the Senate: Max Baucus was a handsome 32-year-old when he walked across...
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KYUK: Alaska Natives stage rally to support subsistence rights (April 24, 2013)
KYUK Public Radio reports on a subsistence rally in Bethel, Alaska: A group of about 40 people held a rally in Bethel April 22 for subsistence rights. They gathered in the parking lot of the Alaska Department of Fish and...
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Native Sun News: Justices challenge Indian Child Welfare Act (April 24, 2013)
Some have said that King Solomon would have had an easier job figuring out the “preferred placement” of Baby Veronica than do the judges in the United States Supreme Court.
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Aura Bogado: Tribal sovereignty goes on trial in ICWA dispute (April 24, 2013)
Aura Bogado discusses Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl, an ICWA case that was heard by the U.S. Supreme Court last week: News outlets ranging from CNN to local newspapers have so often repeated inaccuracies about the case, that the National...
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Book Review: Origin of Apache wars in 'The Wrath of Cochise' (April 24, 2013)
A review of The Wrath of Cochise: The Bascom Affair and the Origins of the Apache Wars: Second Lt. George Bascom was “a fine looking fellow” and a gentleman, a white settler of Arizona recalled, “but he was unfortunately a...
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Nottawaseppi Huron chairman wins national honor at NAFOA (April 24, 2013)
Homer A. Mandoka, the chairman of the Nottawaseppi Huron Band of Potawatomi Indians, has been named Tribal Leader of the Year by the Native American Finance Officers Association.
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Project collects oral histories from boarding school students (April 24, 2013)
The Native American Boarding School Visual History Project is collecting oral histories from boarding school students. Phase 1 will focus on boarding school survivors in southern California. Phase 2 will expand the project to students across the nation. The nonprofit...
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Lee Tiger, Miccosukee, back into music after losing his brother (April 24, 2013)
Lee Tiger, a member of the Miccosukee Tribe of Florida, is back in the music business with the release of "New Era." Tiger stepped away from music after losing his brother, Stephen, in 2006. The pair formed the ground-breaking Tiger...
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Minnesota education bill provides $150K to Leech Lake college (April 24, 2013)
The Minnesota Senate passed the Higher Education Omnibus Bill, which includes $150,000 for the Leech Lake Tribal College. The money will be used to attract more students to the college. It will help defray costs for non-tribal members. The Senate...
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Mescalero Apache Tribe to participate in annual mescal roast (April 24, 2013)
The Mescalero Apache Tribe of New Mexico will participate in the annual Mescal Roast, which has been moved to a new location this year. The tribe will conduct ceremonial prayers and blessings at Guadalupe Mountains National Park on May 1....
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Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes set to manage dam (April 24, 2013)
The Confederated Salish Kootenai Tribes of Montana are moving closer to a deal to own and operate the Kerr Dam. The tribe has been negotiating for decades. The only hurdle left appears to be the purchase price. “The Salish and...
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Lac du Flambeau Band faces loss of $250K grant in Wisconsin (April 24, 2013)
The Lac du Flambeau Tribe could lose a $250,000 grant from the state of Wisconsin as part of a dispute over fishing. The tribe received the money for a cultural center. But a Republican lawmaker wants to revoke the grant...
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Book Review: 'Everything You Wanted to Know About Indians' (April 24, 2013)
Levi Rickert reviews Everything You Wanted to Know about Indians But Were Afraid to Ask by Ojibwe author Anton Treuer: I once was asked by a high school English teacher if I could come speak to her students about contemporary...
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Truthout: Lakota grandmothers complete 13-city 'Truth Tour' (April 24, 2013)
Victoria Law reports on the Lakota Elders Truth Tour: On Tuesday, April 9, Lakota elders, activists and nonindigenous supporters marched through the streets of Manhattan to the United Nations, where they attempted to present a petition to UN Secretary General...
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Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe restores fish that was once extinct (April 24, 2013)
The Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe of Nevada has restored runs of the Lahontan cutthroat trout, an ancient fish that was once declared to be extinct. The trout went missing in Pyramid Lake the 1940s due to overfishing, pollution and invasive...
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New judge takes on genocide trial of ex-dictator in Guatemala (April 24, 2013)
A new judge has been assigned to the genocide trial of Efrain Rios Montt, a former president and dictator of Guatemala, a move that could send the case back to square one. Rios Montt went on trial in March for...
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