NCPR: Conference focuses on removal of Tuscarora Nation

North Carolina Public Radio reports on the Neyuheruke 300, the commemoration of the forced removal of the Tuscarora Nation from North Carolina to New York:
“The colonials really wanted the Tuscarora to be gone,” says Larry Tise, a history professor at ECU. Tise also says that North Carolina currently has a larger Indian population than any state east of the Mississippi River. “It has thousands of people who, until recently, did not even identify themselves as Indians.”

Tise says the battle was a turning point in how the culture of North Carolina would develop. Members of today's Tuscarora tribe will dedicate a monument at the fort this weekend before walking 600 miles to the Tuscarora reservation in New York.

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Remembering The Indian Tribe Driven From NC 300 Years Ago (North Carolina Public Radio 3/21)

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