
Oliver Semans: Sen. McCaskill attacks Native 8(a) program

Oliver Semans, the executive director of Four Directions, says Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Missouri) is once again attacking the Native 8(a) program:
After 300-plus years, Native Americans are still giving to this country by serving in the U.S. armed services in greater proportions than any other population group. We also work for the Department of Defense through Native 8(a) contracts that provide DOD support services. It was just this month on November 20, that Lakota code talkers, all of whom have passed away, were recognized with a Congressional Gold Medal.

We willingly work for our land and lay down our lives for it. It is therefore deeply painful to know that Senator McCaskill is using a defense bill to kill our economic development and maim our already struggling communities. Senator McCaskill’s Senate Amendment 2193, targeting only tribes, would end the Indian Incentive Program (IIP), which encourages prime contractors to subcontract with Native businesses. Although this entire program includes a total of only $15 million in contracts, that very small amount could produce over $300 million in subcontracted revenue for Native enterprises.

McCaskill’s Senate Amendment 2194 would prohibit the Department of Defense from counting the 8(a) contracts it awards toward the requirement that it give 5 percent of its work to small businesses. This amendment is intended to discourage the Defense Department from working with 8(a) businesses at all.

Now, please remember that this is not the first time Senator McCaskill has intentionally harmed tribes. In 2010, she inserted Section 811 into the National Defense Authorization Act; this capped the total amount of any given contracts issued under the Native 8(a) program and cost tribes millions in lost revenue. This, in turn, caused jobs and benefit losses all across Indian country at a time when we were already reeling from problems in the larger economy.

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Oliver Semans: Tribes in the Crosshairs: Sen. McCaskill Wishes us a Happy Thanksgiving (Indian Country Today 11/27)

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