
Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe to start language immersion school

The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe of Massachusetts plans to open a language immersion school in 2015.

The Wôpanâak Language Reclamation Project has trained 16 people to teach Wampanoag. The project is now developing a curriculum and starting the process to open a charter school.

"Ultimately what we really wanted to do for the language was for it to be used as a principal means of communication," Jessie "Little Doe" Baird, who has led the language revitalization efforts, told The Cape Cod Times "That means working with children as young as possible and for as long as possible."

The location of the school hasn't been set.

Get the Story:
Mashpee tribal school to keep speech alive (The Cape Cod Times 11/7)
Mashpee Wampanoag to host open house at language center (Cape Cod Today 11/7)

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