Environment | Federal Recognition

Tribes in Washington being consulted about return of artifacts

The Port of Seattle, Washington, is consulting two tribes about the return of artifacts taken from a historic village.

The port might return the items to the Suquamish Tribe or the Muckleshoot Tribe, or both tribes. But the Duwamish Tribe isn't being included in talks due to its lack of federal recognition.

The items in fact were excavated from a Duwamish village. Some of them had been displayed in the tribe's Longhouse and Cultural Center.

"We signed the Treaty [of Point Elliott],” Chairwoman Cecile Hansen told The North Kitsap Herald . “We signed it in good will and we’re treated this way."

In related news, the Suquamish Tribe accepted the return of about 500 items from the Old Man House site, which was the home of Chief Seattle, who was Duwamish.

Get the Story:
Suquamish Tribe in discussions for 150 boxes of artifacts (The North Kitsap Herald 10/29)
Tribal Artifacts Come Home to Suquamish (KING 5 News 10/29)

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