Health | Opinion

Claudia Kauffman: Breast cancer awareness in Indian Country

Claudia Kauffman calls on Indian Country to join National Breast Cancer Awareness Month:
Breast cancer is a reality in Indian Country. In the April 2012 Journal of Cancer Education, it was noted that despite national decreases in breast cancer incidence and mortality rates, the declines do not appear among American Indian/Alaskan Native women. Health disparities among our population are evident. We have lower screening rates. Our cancers are detected at a later stage, and with greater mortality. Why?

This is a call to all Native people. We are the ones who have stated for generations, that women are the backbone of our people; that women are the center of our lodges; that women are sacred; and that a nation is defeated only when its women are gone. Let us all join in our fight against breast cancer. Together, we can turn the tide on this, the leading killer of Native women.

I would like to encourage everyone to join me in this effort. Talk to your tribal leaders. Organize a breast cancer awareness campaign locally. Promote health and wellness by providing ongoing breast cancer education, offering mammograms throughout our communities, and supporting those already diagnosed with immediate access to care by health care providers that specialize in this area.

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Claudia Kauffman: Wear Pink to Support Native Women (Indian Country Today 10/23)

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