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Onondaga Nation vows to push land claim in international arena

The Onondaga Nation of New York said it will take its land claim to the international stage after the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear the case on Tuesday.

The tribe laid claim to more than 4,000 square miles, including the entire city of Syracuse. The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals dismissed the case, citing the "disruptive nature" to non-Indians and local governments, a doctrine the tribe labeled as "racist" and "cowardly."

“Our people have called for healing, of the land and waters, and with our neighbors who share our lands,” Sidney Hill, the tribe's Tadodaho, or spiritual leader, said in a press release. “Our people have always talked about and worked for a return of our stolen lands, and we will continue to do so, for the sake of the future generations yet to come.”

The tribe said it will pursue the claim with the United Nations or the Organization of American States Commission on Human Rights.

Get the Story:
U.S. Supreme Court rejects appeal, ends Onondaga Nation land claim case (The Syracuse Post-Standard 10/16)
Supreme Court rejects Onondaga Indian Nation's land claim against New York (AP 10/15)

2nd Circuit Decision:
Onondaga Nation v. New York (October 19, 2012)

District Court Decision:
Onondaga Nation v. New York (September 22, 2010)

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Supreme Court declines to take up Onondaga Nation land claim (10/15)
Supreme Court delays action on Onondaga Nation land claim (10/7)
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