Instead of the same old-same old agendas for the Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN), I want to hear others say, "I am ready to step forward to improve education and employment opportunities for all Alaska Natives, and I am willing to work together to do this." One, we could work together to employ all Alaska Natives, take away the divisive statements such as “Shareholder Preference” and change that to “Alaska Native Preference”. If a job is open in one urban, village, or subsidiary, it should be open to any Alaska Native, not just specific shareholders. We have proven for 42 years that we can contribute in revenue sharing, we need to step up that initiative to work together on opportunities that will work for the long term to improve statistics and the negative stigma, that we are deficient education and employment. Now is the time to improve things. Subsistence has been a favorite topic since the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act was formed, and is a common bond for all our cultures. Now is time to focus on long-term ways to make us stronger and smarter. If it takes a radical change, by changing how AFN works or doesn’t work, then the time is no better than now. This can only be accomplished by sharing the same mission goals that support more education opportunities and a means to improve employment, because they go hand-in-hand.Get the Story:
Ray Austin: Alaska Natives: It's Time for a Radical Change to How AFN Works (Indian Country Today 10/11)
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