
No new Indian law cases on Supreme Court's docket for now

The U.S. Supreme Court opened its new term today with a long order list that didn't include any new Indian law cases.

Without comment, the justices rejected petitions in James L. v. Devin H., an Indian Child Welfare Act case, Matheson v. Washington Department of Revenue, a tobacco dispute, Native Village of Eyak v. US, a fishing and hunting rights case, Nebraska v. Elise M., another Indian Child Welfare Act case and Tonasket v. Sargent , an intra-tribal dispute.

So far, the court has one Indian law case on the docket. Michigan v. Bay Mills Indian Community, an Indian gaming case involving the Bay Mills Indian Community, will be heard on December 2.

Related Stories:
KGOU: Tribes urged to keep cases away from Supreme Court (10/2)
Turtle Talk: Indian law watch as Supreme Court begins term (10/1)

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