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Indian professor removed from class after anti-Republican rant

YouTube: MSU Professor William Penn: Republicans "raped this country", "are a bunch of dead white people"

An Indian professor was removed from teaching duties after going on an anti-Republican rant on the first day of class.

William Penn, who has Nez Perce ancestry, told students at Michigan State University that Republicans " "raped this country." He said the party was full of a "bunch of dead white people."

“I first want to personally apologize, as does Professor Penn, to any student who was offended or made to feel uncomfortable during the class,” Karin Wurst, the dean of MSU’s College of Arts and Letters, said in an e-mail to students, The Detroit Free Press reported. “At MSU and in the College of Arts and Letters, it is our commitment to create a learning environment that is characterized by mutual respect and civility where diverse ideas can be explored.”

Penn remains an employee of the university.

Get the Story:
Mich. prof won’t teach after attack on Republicans (AP 9/5)
2 Michigan State trustees displeased with professor's classroom rant against Republicans (MLive 9/6)
MSU professor pulled from classroom after rant against Republicans (The Detroit Free Press 9/6)

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