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Native Sun News: Oglala Sioux Tribe kicks off its annual rodeo

The following story was written and reported by David Michaud, Native Sun News Correspondent. All content © Native Sun News.

Oglala Nation Rodeo off and running
By David Michaud
Native Sun News Correspondent

PINE RIDGE RESERVATION – Every year talent comes from all around the country to compete in the Oglala Lakota Nation Rodeo, and this year should be no different.

The Oglala Nation Rodeo consists of events used by the Indian National Finals Rodeo (INFR). The main events are Bull Riding, Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Tie-Down Roping, Steer Wrestling, Team Roping, Ladies Barrel Racing and Ladies Breakaway Roping.

The rodeo also incorporates a senior division for 50 years old and up, consisting of Breakaway Roping and Team Roping. To go along with the senior division the rodeo has a junior division set up for the youth. The junior division events are for kids 15 years old and under and they include; Junior Bull Riding, Junior Breakaway Roping and Junior Barrel Racing.

Most people who enter the rodeo are vying for a spot in the INFR and the Oglala Nation Rodeo is one of 12 Rodeos where members can earn points toward a year-end title that can earn them a trip to Nationals.

Susan Kolb, Secretary of the Great Plains Indian Rodeo Association (GPIRA) which is one of the regions in the INFR, says that the rodeo is one of the best in the region.

“Oglala Nation Fair and Rodeo is always our biggest region rodeos,” said Kolb. “Last year was a good rodeo and we expect the same if not better this year.”

The rodeo is now being run by the Clifford family and they are doing a great job, according to Kolb.

“The Clifford family from Manderson has filled some big shoes and did a remarkable job putting on the rodeo last year and are in charge of it again this year,” said Kolb.

She says that the rodeo should see upwards of 120 participants this year, even though some members may not attend due to other rodeos.

Those cowboys and cowgirls who do attend the rodeo are always in for a tough time though, as the GPIRA has produced several world champions who are still competing today.

“This year competing at Oglala Nation will be Joe Wilson past All Around and Bareback Champion, Tie Down Roping world champions Dallas Louden and Mark Cuny, Multi-Event world champion Spike Guardipee, Junior Barrel Racing Champion Tatum Ward and Pine Ridge’s own Don Bettelyoun and Kakes Tibbitts,” said Kolb.

With so many champions taking part in the rodeo there is no doubt that this year’s cowboy fun will be another great event.

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