
OPB: Siletz Tribes welcome first salmon with ancient traditions

Oregon Public Broadcasting reports on the first salmon ceremony of the Siletz Confederated Tribes:
Just outside of Southern Oregon’s Gold Hill, under the shade of towering oaks, one hundred faithful stand single file to partake of the ceremonial first salmon of the year.

Agnes Pilgrim, a youthful 89, presides. People affectionately call her Grandma Aggie. She is the oldest living descendent of the Takelma tribe, now part of the Siletz Confederated Tribes.

As they finish eating everyone carefully places the bones and the skin in a large wooden bowl carved in the shape of a fish. Out of sight, four men sit in a sweat lodge, purifying themselves for what comes next.

Get the Story:
First Salmon Brings Hope To Southern Oregon Tribes (Oregon Public Broadcasting 7/3)

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