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The Hill: Obama asked for opinion on use of Redskins mascot

What does President Barack Obama think about the name of the Washington Redskins?
White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Thursday he wasn't sure whether President Obama has an opinion on the controversy surrounding the Washington Redskins team name.

Earlier this week, a bipartisan group of lawmakers, including Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) and nine House Democrats, sent a letter to Redskins owner Dan Snyder urging a change of the team name, which Native American groups protest as racially insensitive.

"That's a good question, and it is outside the box. I’ll give you credit for that," Earnest told reporters aboard Air Force One. "I haven’t had a chance to speak with him about it, so I don't know if he has an opinion."

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White House spokesman punts on Redskins team name question (The Hill 5/30)

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