The issue of Oregon public schools using tribal mascots continues to surface in the Oregon Legislature thanks to the inattentiveness of the state Board of Education to Oregon's nine federally recognized tribes. The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde wants to set the record straight on the subject. High school mascots are supposed to be inspirational. High schools do not adopt derogatory figures or slogans; they adopt admirable and inspirational figures. The banned names of tribal mascots -- Indians, Braves, Warriors and Chiefs -- are inspirational Native images, and the Grand Ronde tribe does not view their use as derogatory. Our tribe has worked diligently to build a positive government-to-government relationship across all levels of government. We have done so on federal, state and local levels, including with our local school districts. And that includes mascots.Get the Story:
Reyn Leno: 'Teach our history, keep Native mascots,' Grand Ronde tribal chairman urges (The Oregonian 5/1) Related Stories:
Oregon Senate passes bill to create Indian mascot exception (04/18)
Oregon Senate to vote on bill that allows some Indian mascots (4/9)
Oregon lawmakers tackle ban on Indian mascots at schools (4/4)
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