National | Politics

General council of Spirit Lake Nation votes to remove chairman

Members of the Spirit Lake Nation of North Dakota voted on Sunday to remove Chairman Roger Yankton Sr. from his post.

The vote was nearly unanimous, The Grand Forks Herald reported. Participants said they took action because Yankton hasn't addressed their concerns.

"There was no general assembly for eight months, and all we wanted to do was ask the council to do their job, and call a general assembly," elder Erich Longie said at the meeting, WDAY-TV reported.

Tribal members named Leander (Russ) McDonald as chairman.

Get the Story:
Spirit Lake assembly moves to oust tribal chairman (The Grand Forks Herald 4/15)
Chairman is voted out in the Spirit Lake Nation (WDAY-TV 4/14)

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Elders from Spirit Lake Nation call for removal of entire council (4/12)

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