Law | Opinion

Editorial: Swinomish Tribe should drop lawsuit over burial site

Newspaper calls on Swinomish Tribe to drop a lawsuit over the excavation of a burial site:
The Swinomish Indian Tribe is seeking $9 million from City of Oak Harbor after construction unearthed a burial ground on Pioneer Way in 2011.

Since the discovery of the remains, the city has worked diligently with the tribe to ensure the remains are handled appropriately and reburied.

Filed now to beat the impending statute of limitations deadline, the Swinomish Tribe lawsuit is apparent backtracking on earlier promises to not sue if the city jumped through all of its hoops.

Estimated cost to the city so far to rectify the matter is about $4 million.

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Swinomish Tribe should drop suit (The Whidbey News-Times 4/13)

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