
Craig Fugate: Consulting tribes on disaster declaration process

Craig Fugate, the head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, on tribal consultation:
When you're tackling a new and challenging topic, starting from a solid foundation is crucial to success. Right now, there is an opportunity to change how the federal government provides disaster assistance and we’re looking for tribal leaders to help set a solid foundation for those changes.

When President Obama signed into law the Sandy Recovery Improvement Act of 2013, he amended the Stafford Act to recognize the sovereignty of tribal governments, and this was a big step in the right direction to better meet the unique needs of Indian Country after disasters. However, there's still work to be done to shape disaster assistance programs and processes most effectively. That's where we are now -- we are consulting with tribal governments, tribal leaders, and tribal stakeholders to consider changes to a range of federal disaster assistance processes and topics.

Get the Story:
Getting It Right for Indian Country (White House Blog 4/8)

Federal Register Notice:
Solicitation for Comments Regarding Current Procedures To Request Emergency and Major Disaster Declarations (March 8, 2013)

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