
Charles Kader: Traditional tribal groups labeled as terrorists

Charles Kader on traditional Indian believers being labeled as terrorists:
The labeling vogue of past generations was often to term both traditional and religious groups in Indian country as offbeat, sometimes as renegades, and possibly as outcasts within tribal communities. To a varying degree, these labels have existed since the first elected trustees began to administer Indian Reservation allotments. Increasingly however, this propensity has tilted towards American national security terms. It is conceivable that such groups will be scrutinized as domestic terrorist organizations because of their beliefs, in the future.

I specifically make the distinction between both traditional, as well as religious groups, because they have often been broadly associated. Language, history and ceremonial practice skill sets do not always lead to, or derive from, religious calling. It is also possible that the final legacy of residential school impact upon Onkwehonweh populations is the fracturing of transliterated language interpretation.

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Charles Kader: Traditional and Religious Believers Are Not Terrorists (Indian Country Today 3/29)

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