
Melissa Merrick: Rep. Cramer of North Dakota attacks women

Melissa Merrick, a member of the Spirit Lake Nation, describes a troubling meeting with freshman Rep. Kevin Cramer (R-North Dakota):
After I spoke, Cramer began what turned out to be roughly 20 minutes verbal attacks directed at me and meant for all Native people. Cramer stated that indeed he did vote yes on the Violence Against Women Act, but he did not agree with the Tribal Provisions and that he was sure they would be overturned in the Supreme Court. I pointed out that the U.S. Attorney’s office just released a VAWA Tribal Provision fact sheet for the new VAWA about an hour previous.

Then Cramer said, “Well, it’s most likely going to get turned over in the Supreme Court, then well, there’s not even a legal opinion on it but it’s most assuredly coming.”

I shared that I am a survivor, and that the Tribal provisions would have benefitted my own story, and that these incidents do happen.

Cramer stated that, “Tribal Governments are dysfunctional. Tribal Courts are dysfunctional, and how could a non- Native man get a fair trial on the reservations?”

Get the Story:
Melissa Merrick: North Dakota Congressman Kevin Cramer Verbally Attacks Native Victim’s Assistance Program Director at State Meeting, Threatens to Ring Spirit Lake Tribal Council’s Necks By: Melissa Merrick (Last Real Indians 3/28)

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