
Twila Barnes: Rep. Markwayne Mullin ignores responsibilities

Twila Barnes takes on Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-Oklahoma) for voting against S.47, a bill to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act:
Did Markwayne Mullin forget who he is? He is supposed to be a Cherokee man, a warrior, one who protects the women of his nation. Instead, he betrayed American Indian women, including the women of the Cherokee Nation, when he voted against the passage of the Violence Against Women Act.

Passage of the VAWA was needed to protect American Indian women who are victims of assault or rape on tribal lands. Too many times in the past, offenders of such crimes went free to harm Native women again and again. Because the VAWA passed, now tribes have the authority to charge and prosecute offenders and give Native women hope for justice. This is important because without justice, how can one ever heal from such horrific crimes?

Markwayne Mullin could have played an important role in helping women, not just Indian women, but all women, get justice after these crimes have been committed against them. He had the opportunity to follow in his great great great great grandfather’s footsteps and vote to do something that would help people heal. He made the decision not to do that.

Whether he likes it or not, Mullin has a responsibility to Indian people, not just Cherokees, but all Indians, to do the right thing. It is not an option, it is an obligation.

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Twila Barnes: Did Markwayne Mullin Forget Who He Is? (Indian Country Today 3/18)

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