Robert McCartney: Despite Redskins’ claims, concern over name isn’t political correctness run wild (The Washington Post 2/17) Related Stories:
Blog: A column from 1992 about offensive 'Redskins' nickname (2/15)
Column: Washington Redskins team defends use of racial slur (2/14)
Column: Finally listening to Native Americans about mascots (2/11)
Blog: Momentum builds to eliminate offensive Redskins name (2/11)
NMAI draws capacity crowd to symposium on Indian mascots (2/8)
NMAI's Indian mascot symposium tackles controversial topic (2/7)
Column: It's time to take stand against Washington Redskins (2/7)
Blog: Mayor of Washington DC refuses to use 'Redskins' name (2/6)
Agenda for symposium on Indian mascots in sports at NMAI (2/4)
Washington mayor supports elimination of 'Redskins' mascot (01/10)
Rep. Cole, Chickasaw, calls Redskins mascot 'very offensive' (01/18)
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