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Review: 'Cave Rock' details struggle over Washoe sacred site

"Father and son co-authors Matthew S. Makley and Michael J. Makley bring “Cave Rock: Climbers, Courts and a Washoe Indian Sacred Place” to life in the form of a 132-page paperback book.

The Makleys chronicle a struggle between two passionate but opposing groups intent on honoring Cave Rock in their own way. The Nevada Washoe Indian Tribe and sport climbers battled for access to this beloved Lake Tahoe landmark in a court case that spanned across two decades. The Washoe people believe Cave Rock is sacred and should be treated properly. According to their beliefs, climbing desecrates what is holy, especially since it employs the use of fixed anchors. Sport climbers treasure the climb up one of the most aesthetically beautiful and internationally renowned granite rock faces. They consider Cave Rock a special place and worship it in a way that is unique to them."

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Book Review: Makleys tell story of Cave Rock court battle (The Tahoe Bonanza 1/31)

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