NPR: Q&A with Louise Erdrich on law and order in Indian Country (October 3, 2012)
"In 1988, 13-year-old Joe Coutts is thrust into adulthood after his mother, Geraldine Coutts, is sexually assaulted. His story is at the center of Louise Erdrich's latest novel, The Round House. On the difficulties of finding justice on Native...
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Johnny Depp as Tonto speaks in broken English in 'Lone Ranger' (October 3, 2012)
The trailer for The Lone Ranger hit the Internet today and it features actor Johnny Depp, who plays "Tonto," speaking in broken English. "There come a time, kemosabe, when good man must wear mask," Tonto tells the Lone Ranger,...
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Review: 'Native Diaspora Now' looks at Native Americans today (October 3, 2012)
"Why'd we let him do it, United States of America? All of a sudden (maybe this happened awhile ago), the face of "America" was no longer the face of the people who'd been there for millenia, but rather a gun-toting,...
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Couple asks Supreme Court to hear ICWA case for Cherokee girl (October 3, 2012)
A non-Indian couple that went to the media to complain about the Indian Child Welfare Act is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to hear their case. Matt and Melanie Capobianco have made numerous public appearances in their quest to keep...
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BIA won't let city see Ottawa Tribe's land-into-trust application (October 3, 2012)
A Bureau of Indian Affairs policy regarding land-into-trust applications is causing some heartaches for the city of Miami, Oklahoma. The city sent its attorney to the BIA to discuss an application filed by the Ottawa Tribe. But the deputy superintendent...
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Oglala Sioux Tribe could pursue Whiteclay lawsuit in state court (October 3, 2012)
An attorney is advising the Oglala Sioux Tribe to pursue its Whiteclay lawsuit in state court after a federal judge dismissed the case. The tribe blames liquor companies, liquor distributors and liquor stores in the border town of Whiteclay, Nebraska,...
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Mississippi Choctaws welcome new business to the reservation (October 3, 2012)
The Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians is welcoming another business to the reservation. KemPosits recently relocated to the Choctaw TechParc. The manufacturing company creates bath fixtures. A ribbon cutting will be held tomorrow to welcome the company, which invested $2...
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Dana Lone Hill: Indian students take a stand against racial hate (October 3, 2012)
"This past Friday on September 28, 2012 a hate crime was committed in the bathroom of a dormitory on the SDSU campus in Brookings, South Dakota. Although, no one was physically attacked, the crime was still felt by many and...
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Editorial: Tobacco taxes sent consumers to Indian smokeshops (October 3, 2012)
"Oklahoma's cigarette tax was increased by 80 cents to $1.03 per pack in 2004, but compacts allowed nearly one in five tribal smoke shops to collect only 6 cents per pack in tax. This translated into a price advantage of...
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Reporter: Criminal justice lacking on reservations in New Mexico (October 3, 2012)
"“It’s not safe. There’s no safety. You can’t trust anybody. You got to protect yourself,” Rebekah Apachito says. As one of about 1,600 tribal members who live in the Navajo community of To’hajiilee, 90 miles west of Santa Fe,...
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County challenges Miccosukee Tribe land-into-trust application (October 3, 2012)
Miami-Dade County in Florida is fighting a land-into-trust application from the Miccosukee Tribe. The Bureau of Indian Affairs approved the tribe's application for 230 acres in July. The site currently houses a golf course. “Placing the Miccosukee Golf Course in...
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Editorial: Spirit Lake Nation needs a free and independent press (October 3, 2012)
"Many tribes across America desperately need a free and independent press. And the Spirit Lake Tribe in North Dakota just might be first on the list. The tribal council’s refusal to practice good government has been on tragic display. For...
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Indian school evacuated as blaze burns on Colville Reservation (October 3, 2012)
Students at the Paschal Sherman Indian School have been evacuated due to a wildfire on the Colville Reservation. About 30 students who are boarding at the school were sent to a motel. Other residents of the reservation have been evacuated...
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Native Sun News: Author tackles indigenous genocide in Canada (October 3, 2012)
A non-indigenous Canadian minister is working tirelessly to expose crimes against First Peoples and humanity worldwide.
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Review: Louise Erdrich crusades for justice in 'The Round House' (October 3, 2012)
" Midway through Louise Erdrich's new novel, "The Round House," an Ojibwa boy nearly dies trying to save his mother. A buffalo spirit speaks to him, saying "we are gone, but . . . now you understand. The round...
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Ruth Hopkins: Gun rights, hunting and treaties in Indian Country (October 3, 2012)
"The right to bear arms is a significant issue in Indian country. In the case of tribal member gun owners however, it has less to do with a liberal or conservative agenda, and more to do with treaty rights and...
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Street in New York City to be named for first non-Indian settler (October 3, 2012)
A street in New York City will be co-named for Juan Rodriguez, who is said to be the "first" non-Indian settler in Manhattan. Rodriguez was born in the present-day Dominican Republic. He arrived in 1613, opened a trading post and...
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Fort Peck Tribes distribute per capita from trust fund settlement (October 3, 2012)
Hundreds of people migrated to Poplar to get their $1,500 per cap check on Tuesday, October 2, 2012. Photo from The Fort Peck Journal on Facebook. Members of the Fort Peck Tribes of Montana lined up on Tuesday to...
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Former Pueblo leader accused of embezzling $3.6M from tribes (October 3, 2012)
Bruce Sanchez, a former governor of Santa Ana Pueblo in New Mexico, has been indicted on federal conspiracy, embezzlement and taxation charges. Sanchez was the president and chief executive of the Indian Pueblos Federal Development Corp. from 2003 until 2010....
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