Shawn Atleo wins re-election to lead Assembly of First Nations (July 19, 2012)
Shawn Atleo of the Ahousaht First Nation in British Columbia won re-election as national chief of the Assembly of First Nations. After three rounds of balloting, Atleo secured 341 votes -- just enough to claim victory. He will serve a...
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Column: Aboriginal issues a growing area of law inside Canada (July 19, 2012)
"Thomas Isaac can hardly believe how the world of aboriginal law has changed. Mr. Isaac is leader of the national aboriginal law group at McCarthy Tétrault LLP and is, according to Chambers Global 2012, Canada’s leading expert on aboriginal law....
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Worldcrunch: Fort Peck Tribes reconnect with bison traditions (July 19, 2012)
"There is an end-of-the-world feeling along the two main streets in Wolf Point, a town of 2,600 at the heart of the Fort Peck Indian reservation in the northern state of Montana. A few mini-casinos and bars, including the Stockmans...
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Blog: Moapa Band solar energy project promises employment (July 19, 2012)
"Recently the Obama administration approved a record breaking 350 megawatt solar project on tribal land. The massive solar project will be constructed on 2,000 acres of the Moapa Band Paiute Indians in Clark County, Nevada. Inhabiting about 3% of the...
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OPB: Cowlitz Tribe keeping traditions alive with Canoe Journey (July 19, 2012)
"Dozens of Native-Americans from the Cowlitz tribe landed on the shores of Fort Vancouver in a traditional canoelanding celebration on Tuesday. Tanna Engdahl, a Cowlitz descent, stood at the shore with a smile, while watching almost two dozen people carried...
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Memorial walk planned in honor of Yankton Sioux girl who died (July 19, 2012)
Members of the Yankton Sioux Tribe of South Dakota will hold a memorial walk on July 30 to remember the life of Rielee Lovell and to protest the effects of methamphetamine on the reservation. Lovell, 2, died in a home...
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Saginaw Chippewa Tribe court set to rule in enrollment dispute (July 19, 2012)
A judge for the Saginaw Chippewa Tribe in Michigan heard an enrollment dispute involving two people who were granted membership in the 1980s. In addition to a blood quantum standard, the tribal constitution mandates lineal descent from someone who appeared...
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Cherokee Nation council approves representative district map (July 19, 2012)
The Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma is moving to a new districting system. The current system has five districts. A new map approved by the council increases the number of districts to 15. The new system drew opposition from some council...
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Opinion: Native Hawaiian recognition bill resurfaces in Senate (July 19, 2012)
"Congress is approaching its annual 5-week August recess (returning September 10). With election distractions and little time left in the 112th Congress, the Akaka bill probably cannot come to the floor for an up-or-down vote. But the bill is far...
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Travel: Visitors can feel welcome to the Nez Perce Reservation (July 19, 2012)
"Lapwai, Idaho, is the headquarters of the Nez Perce tribe. The town is on U.S. 95, bout 15 miles southeast of Lewiston. It is similar in many ways to Warm Springs, the tribal center in Oregon for the Warms Springs...
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USDA Blog: Mississippi Band uses $1M grant for water upgrades (July 19, 2012)
"Trina N. George, Mississippi State Director for USDA Rural Development and Phyliss Anderson, Chief for the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians held a Photo Op on Tuesday, July 17, 2012 in Choctaw, Miss., to commemorate USDA Rural Developments $1 million...
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Native Sun News: Santa Fe Indian School looks toward its future (July 19, 2012)
If all goes well, Santa Fe Indian School will be able to begin much-needed economic development projects soon.
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Turtle Mountain Band launches payday lending business online (July 19, 2012)
The Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians in North Dakota has launched a payday lending business. BlueChip Financial provides loans over the Internet. The company employs 12 people and plans to hire more. "It's going to create jobs that we...
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Vincent Armenta: Land-into-trust fight shows need for museum (July 19, 2012)
"Our tribe in 2000 began the steps to create a museum to celebrate our heritage. Since then, what we’ve witnessed would make an informative exhibit on the ignorance and hatred that still exist when it comes to tribal governments. What...
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Steven Newcomb: 'Normalcy' in U.S. looking like totalitarianism (July 19, 2012)
"In a previous column on this topic, I pointed to various historical illustrations of plans by agents of the U.S. government, by means of ‘the Indian system,’ to destroy Indian nations and peoples while profiting from the outcome, in terms...
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North Dakota tribal members facing eviction amid energy boom (July 19, 2012)
Dozens of members of the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nation of North Dakota are being evicted from a mobile home park to make way for housing for energy workers. Around 90 people, mostly tribal members, live in the Prairie Winds...
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Tribes in Klamath Basin see restoration agreement go nowhere (July 19, 2012)
A deal to remove dams from the Klamath River has stalled amid opposition from a local Tea Party group, The New York Times reports. Tribes in northern California and southern Oregon supported the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement, which was announced...
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Military in Colombia reclaims camp in struggle with Nasa Tribe (July 19, 2012)
The Colombian military reclaimed a camp site from the Nasa Tribe on Wednesday. The Associated Press said eight people were injured as soldiers reclaimed the site. Tribal members had previously taken over the camp in their effort to remove the...
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