"Trina N. George, Mississippi State Director for USDA Rural Development and Phyliss Anderson, Chief for the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians held a Photo Op on Tuesday, July 17, 2012 in Choctaw, Miss., to commemorate USDA Rural Developments $1 million grant award to the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians. The Tribe will use the funds for water and sewer upgrades to the Pearl River Community and the Health Center Development.
The need for the project arose because the Tribe lacked the basic sewer services and water pressures to adequately serve the Pearl River Community and the new Health Center Development. To solve the problem the Tribe proposes to extend the sewer to the Pearl River Community and Health Center with a new duplex pump station, 10,000 linear feet of force main, 2000 linear feet of sewer main, and a generator. In addition to the sewer extension, the Tribe proposes to increase the pressure to the Pearl River Community Health Center with upgraded water pipe. The contract for the project was awarded and preconstruction began on June 21, 2012."
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A Mississippi Tribe Upgrades Water Quality with USDA Support
(USDA Blog 7/18)
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