Steven Newcomb: 'Normalcy' in U.S. looking like totalitarianism

"In a previous column on this topic, I pointed to various historical illustrations of plans by agents of the U.S. government, by means of ‘the Indian system,’ to destroy Indian nations and peoples while profiting from the outcome, in terms of money, land, and power. I asked if those were instances of “conspiracy,” or just long-ranged plans?

Since 9/11, major civil liberties in the U.S. have been undermined to such an extent that they seem to be hanging on by the merest of threads, or else by the mere illusion that they continue to exist. We have been repeatedly told the tragic events on September 11, 2001 is the reason why what Vice President Dick Cheney termed “the new normalcy” had to be put into place. That “normalcy” is now looking more and more like what has been called “totalitarianism” historically. The question arises, “Is this ‘new normalcy’ the result of a ‘conspiracy’ of interests by people of influence, or a long range plan?”

Clearly, conspiracies and the long range plans of nefarious people do exist, and the long range U.S. military plan of Full Spectrum Dominance 2020 does exist, and the plan by the U.S. government to deploy 30,000 military drones above the claimed territory of the United States in the next ten years does exist. It’s all being done in the name of 9/11 and “fighting terrorism.” Doesn’t it make sense, therefore, to fully examine what actually took place on September 11, 2001 rather than robotically believe “the official theory” being fed to everyone since that tragic day?"

Get the Story:
Steven Newcomb: On Conspiracy, Independence and Dependence (Indian Country Today 7/19)

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